Thursday, February 9, 2012

What would you of done?

My g/f mentioned to me last month that she liked a specific flower(tulips). I try to buy her a dozen roses every month or every other month "just because", no reason, just to make her day. Well, the one day she mentioned to me that she loves tulips, so today, I woke up, went to 4 different florists in my town and finally found tulips for her. I then drove 60 miles to hand deliver them, and suprise her and take her out to breakfast. Everything was going great until we were leaving to pay the check. While we were leaving, she accidentally put her coat on backwards, and when she realized what she did and I didn't say anything, she flipped out on me, right there in the restaurant. We got into a mini argument, so I drove back home and haven't called her since. She's done things like this before, but I didn't realize she had her coat on backwards because her hair covered the tag by her neck. I apologized over and over,,,but if you were me, what would you have done?

What would you of done?
the same as u
Reply:I think you got a bipolar chick! I would get her some medicine. If you are buying her flowers every month and can afford this then for one its ovbious that you both are pretty wealthy. She must be pretty spoiled by you and could be the inhibitor in this little mini arguement of yours. In other words she is very materialistic and she is looking for a way to get more out of you so she throws these tantrums to get you to feel sorry for her or to keep you on a short leash. I would be weary about her. She sounds scary and like a possible cheat in the making!! BE careful bro! Keep treating women like you do and you'll find the love of a lifetime, but remember that "Nice guys finish last!
Reply:You are already doing SO MUCH for her and if she flip out at you over such little things, screw it. Let her come to you or burn the damn coat.
Reply:I hate to be so blunt but the first thing that came to my mind was that she was looking for an excuse to be dissattisfied and make you feel it' was your fault [to give her an excuse to break up] ; She wasn't happy w/rose's....sure tulips are beautiful, [they happen to be my birth state flower so I am fond of them] but dang I'm lucky if I get rose's once a year {store bought} but still appreciative. So when you went out of your way she had to find another reason to blow the day...

I truly wonder what you interrupted. I'd either say hasta la vesta or hire a detective. [Detective actually for "married" persons who have a right to find out if their significan't other is cheating....] but hey it might put your mind at ease. And keep your self esteem in tact.
Reply:Honestly i think you have the bad end of the relationship....your the one doing all the work. Thats bull ****. If you want it to last stand up for yourself and dont baby her.. The more you do the less respect you'll get. Im not saying not to be romantic but just chill a definitely need a break. Let her realize how life is without you... let her remeber all the little things you do for her.. When she comes back she'll be a better person and a better partner!!! Take care man hope i helped
Reply:First I would get mad a Bush for messing this country up so bad. I mean gas price so high I leave my gf home alone if she needs a ride. Well, I don't know about your girl but she surely don't recognize that you put effort into making her day. Just between us, if I was you, I find me someone else. Man I can't image what will happen if you marry this girl. She'll slap the crap out of you for next time you forget that backward coat. Man your women is crazy. Stop giving her meth if you are~!

Anyways, look player! If you want it done right you fo exactly what I tell you. Walk you to that son of a gun and say," Hey hon, look I'm sorry that I didn't catch you wearing your coat the wrong way. While your coat was on the wrong side, I was busy thinking of you cause I love you." Tell her that what's important is that even if she put her coat on the wrong side, you don't care what other thinks cause you love her.

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