Israeli citizens who do learn the truth about the stark suffering and loss of all human rights in Gaza and the West Bank are usually horrified at the conditions. They form groups, they protest, they write, and they march in solidarity with the Palestinian refugees.
One such group is Gush Shalom. They are planning to assemble a Convoy of trucks carrying water filters and other supplies desperately needed in Gaza. Their Convoy will go to one of the Israeli checkpoints along the Gaza border on January 26th, 2008.
There, the assembled people of the Convoy will stand not as Jews or Christians, or Muslims, or anything else that separates one group from another. They will stand together as human beings and ask the Israeli guards for permission to cross into Gaza so that they may deliver the needed goods to the Palestinians waiting on the other side of the fence. When I read about this planned convoy, I sent a donation to help purchase supplies. I sent it to the Eschaton Foundation, Resource Center for Nonviolence, which is accepting donations in the US for the Gush Shalom Convoy. (10)
Yesterday, I received a thank you letter from Eschaton, and in the envelope was a charming little card with pressed flowers on it.
The card read, "Flowers fromPalestine." I touched the delicate flower petals that had somehow endured their journey from Palestine to Eschaton in California, and from there to my home in Florida, still intact. The petals seemed to suggest there might be a simple and enduring way out of this terrible situation in the Holy Land.
Turning the card over, I read the message on the back. "We don't want you to bring the Israelis to their knees, but to bring them to their senses. We believe in restorative justice: to redress the wrongs rather than avenge them, (signed) Zoughbi Zoughbi of Wi'Am, Palestinian Conflict Resolution. Bethlehem - Palestine."
Perhaps having spent the day researching the violence and watching videos of the carnage in Gaza left me emotionally vulnerable, but when I read this, I was overwhelmed. Now came the tears that I had fought back all day long. A flower does indeed have a far better chance of bringing about enduring peace than bullets and artillery fire ever will.
Is this the Holy Grail? No its the Cup of Human Kindness?
Thank you for sharing this with us.
It is a small ray of hope to see that not all Israelis are evil, murdering swines. To see that some are real human beings with feelings for fellow human beings, is wonderful (and to me a shock)
Sadly this will not save the lives of the babies in the cold incubators..!!
Reply:I just hope that this is true as it will prove to me and I guess many others that there are some caring people in Israel. Now is the time to protest to your uncaring and cruel government to dismantle all illegal settlements and get out of Palestine for good.They, the government have no regard for the UN , which they and the US are members, who have demanded that Israel stop building illegal settlements. Good luck to Gosh Shalom.
Reply:This made me cry. Thankyou for sharing this.
If only this could happen worldwide!
Reply:I just hope one of there "harmless" rockets doesn't land on the convoy as they are driving up to the gate.
Reply:It is good to see a positive storyabout this part of the world. Thanks for sharing it.
Reply:This is a sad situation but I am hopefull politicians will start respecting human rights one day %26amp; would be compelled to behave human like.
Reply:I've witnessed the troubles (N.Ireland) first hand.My husbands cousin was interred in Longkesh.I watched what looked like a lost cause brought to a peaceful end.As I flew back from holiday into Belfast airport that September knowing peace had broken out the relief , could almost touch it.
It took the acceptance by the British government that no the I.R.A. were never going to go away,that freedom was non negotiable and it had to sit down and accept that the North will one day be returned to its rightful place in return for peace.
Sadly I cannot see this happening in Palestine.
I have said repeatedly on here.Not all Israelis approve of the appalling treatment of Palestinians.More Americans need to know this.
Reply:why dont you also spend the day researching the violence used against Israel and the injuries and deaths inflicted on them.???
Have you asked yourself the question "why arent Palestines Muslim neighbours helping them???? When will they step upto the plate???
Your hand wringing is most admirable but never have I seen such one sided bleeding hearts.
No, NOT a Jew before you ask. (usual form of attack whenever I answer a question like this, )Just a human being who has the brains to realise there is suffering on both sides.
EDIT; KAMRAN where does it say I support any side you pilchard of the highest order???
I expressed sympathy for both sides............unlike you...
Reply:not surprised the disgusting "Ditto" above me supports the Zionists terrorist acts but complains when people fight back
Reply:well that's nice to see...but i can't say that it's anywhere near enough...
Reply:It takes both sides to want to end this - not just one. It might be better if the peace negotiations were left to women, they are not warmongers. It's time that the men on both sides stepped back from the line and allowed their repressed females who do most of the suffering, to also do the talking. Jaw, jaw is always better than war,war.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
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